Stairwell Pressure Control

These are probably the most important fans in the building as under normal building operations they are not used BUT when there is a fire in the building (GFA) they are expected to operate and supply fresh air into the stair well to assist people to evacuate. For this reason, I prefer to keep the system as simple as possible so there is less to go wrong when the fans are needed. Before installing a control system, it is best to completely read the fire engineers report on how exactly they expect the fans to operate. These fans are usually speed controlled by a Variable speed drive (VSD) or in some cases the fans work at full speed and relief dampers operate to modulate the air pressure. We can help with the pressure sensors try our SEN P6 series and the control units such as our ABC SW4-SP-A and our ABC SW4-SP-B. Or talk to us about our complete stair way control systems


Gas Meter Room Fan Control


Fan control methods